
2023-02-21 03:51:49 来源:哔哩哔哩

Why does so much of Gen-Z hate America? Here's why we can't give up on them

Young people must be educated about the miracle that is America

By Karol Markowicz | Fox News

What’s wrong with today’s youth?



In previous generations, the rebellious youth were always a topic of consternation for the old folks. They don’t listen! They drive too fast and talk too loud. They wear funny clothes and don’t respect their teachers.


rebellious adj. /rɪˈbeljəs/ 1. 反叛的;叛逆的;桀骜不驯的•rebellious teenagers 叛逆的青少年2.叛乱的;造反的;反对权威的•rebellious cities/factions 叛乱的城市;反对派别

consternation /ˌkɒnstəˈneɪʃn/n.惊愕;惊恐

But something has changed in the last few years that should have the older generations far more worried than they would have been in the past.


A recent Morning Consult poll found that only 16 percent of Gen Z’ers are proud to live in the United States. Millennials were only somewhat saner at 36 percent.


Z世代(Generation Z)指1995年至2009年出生的一代人。这代人的出生即生活在互联网环境下。

Millennials /mɪˈleniəl/指1981-1996年间出生的人,这代人的成长时期几乎同时和互联网/计算机科学的形成与高速发展时期相吻合。

sane adj. /seɪn/ 1.精神健全的;神志正常的•No sane person would do that. 没有一个神志正常的人会做那样的事。2.明智的;理智的;合乎情理的。

These numbers should set off alarm bells. In the last ten years, there has been a sharp decline in national pride. It is not an accident. It’s a deliberate attempt by the left to destroy American patriotism and replace it with their ideology. In 2013, 85 percent of Americans said "extremely or very" proud to be American. Today that number is 63 percent. It wasn’t until 2016 that that number ever dipped below 80 percent, sometimes being in the high 80s and 90s. That’s a collapse.


patriotism /ˈpeɪtriətɪzəm/ /ˈpæt‑/ n. 爱国主义;爱国精神

ideology /ˌaɪdiˈɒlədʒi/ n. 1.思想(体系);思想意识•Marxist/capitalist ideology 马克思主义╱资本主义思想体系。2.意识形态;观念形态

This is not an accident. The indoctrination happening in our schools have resulted in this kind of opinion among the young.


Indoctrination /ɪnˌdɒktrɪˈneɪʃn/ 灌输、教化、教导

The numbers show a complete lack of knowledge of the rest of the world. What the kids are learning in school in the U.S. is that the freest country in the history of humanity, the country that has set the example for democracy and for freedom and has been a beacon of hope to people all over the world is meh, not that great.


meh /mɛ/ 1.INTERJ 闷啊!2.ADJ 无聊的

The kind of privilege that it takes to hold that opinion is mind-boggling. It means this person was taught to believe that the immense advantages that they have through the sheer luck of being American are not that important. They do not know the struggle people across the world still go through to be free or how desperately people want to be Americans. The haters were taught to take for granted the freedom and liberty that is their birthright.


ˈmind-boggling adj.难以想象的;难以理解的;令人惊愕的

Sheer:这里做形容词,表示纯粹的,十足的• a problem of mind-boggling complexity 复杂得难以想象的问题

In the last few years the left has successfully taken over curriculums in public schools across the country. They push the idea that America is just not that great. They force the 1619 Project onto curriculums. They remove discussion of the founding fathers or of American history in general. All education is geared at the idea that America is a terrible place.


the 1619 Project :《纽约时代杂志》刊登的“The 1619 Project”专栏,核心观点是试图构建奴隶制与种族歧视下美国历史的新叙事,她强调美国黑人在美国历史上的核心地位,并指出美国黑人被奴役和歧视的历史,黑人掀起的反奴隶制运动以及民权运动等,得以让美国的“民主”日趋“完美”,从而令“美国人成为美国人”。简而言之,以黑人登陆美洲的视角定义美国历史(第一个黑人登陆美洲1619年),引起了很大的争议。


Aside from being wrong, it’s deeply myopic. The people who push this idea think they are worldly. But worldliness involves knowing something about other countries and not being so shortsighted about your own. These are people born on third base and thinking they’ve hit a triple.


myopic /maɪˈɒpɪk/ 1.目光短浅的; 缺乏远见的• The government still has a myopic attitude to spending. 政府在开支方面仍然缺乏远见。2.近视的

Deep down, Americans are a very patriotic people. Yes, even the young people. But they’ve gotten to where admitting it is not permitted. Millennials and Generation Z are the first generations raised with "cancel culture," and with that a forced conformity of thought. To break with the pack, with your teachers, and say that America isn’t just great but the greatest, is simply not allowed. Wrongthink can lead to bad grades or harassment by their peers. It will take some bravery for the young people to overcome what is happening to them. And it will take standing up for ideas they know to be true but have been told so long that they are not.


cancel culture:取消文化,目前盛行在欧美,例如古早《乱世佳人》电影和马克·吐温的小说由于被认为涉嫌种族歧视而被下架或者删减。个人认为国内讨论岳飞是不是民族英雄也是一种取消文化的表现。

conformity /kənˈfɔːməti/ n. ~ (to/with sth)(对社会规则的)遵从,遵守

IN CONˈFORMITY WITH STH 遵循(规则);与…相符合(或一致)•regulations that are in conformity with European law 符合欧洲法律的条例


Harassment /ˈhærəsmənt/骚扰等意思

More than that, it will take the older generations doing more than just tsk-tsking these kinds of numbers. They have to educate the young people in their homes or in their lives about the miracle that is the American experiment. The miracle needs maintaining, and it needs a continued effort to ensure its success. Cancel culture and the push of leftist conformity will be destroyed eventually. The older generations have to be in the fight, and can’t just give up on the youth to make that happen.



取消文化以及1619计划可以参考:《消失的地平线——欧美取消文化的来龙去脉》作者杨大巍 薛倩 https://m.thepaper.cn/baijiahao_15979379


标签: 种族歧视 意识形态 爱国主义
